
Showing posts from December, 2013

Happy New Year.... almost!

Yes, I live!!!   I live!!  Woo Hooo... I'm here!!  Okay ... you can sit down now ☺ Checking in just in time to celebrate a new year.  Can you believe that 7 months has pasted since my last post?  I won't go into all that I've done in those 7 months, but rather start "anew" with blogging.  I know - blogging is  NOT my forte but we can see about posting once a month for 2014.  No promises!!  I'm giving those up! With "no promises" comes the thought of New Year's resolutions.  That is something I have totally given up on, will not do, nadda - no way.  Not because I don't keep them, but because I have realized that they are things that should come naturally or be part of everyday life to begin with.  So why resolve every year on January 1st, only to break it come day 30 (if you are lucky!) or day 2?   Really? Resolutions I've made: I want lose 20 lbs . - should have done that years ago and each year it makes the list.   I still hav