
Showing posts from January, 2013

It's Past Two Weeks!!!

OH , Yikes!!!  It's been just over two weeks since I last posted - one thing I was going to try and do every two weeks!   Dang-it-all, the time just flips right past yah if you are not careful to watch every second that goes by!! Anyway.... I'm here !! Right now I'm on some much needed downtime and enjoying my days sewing on UFO's.  I really don't care for that name.  But oh, man do I have UFO's!  Maybe I should find another name for those items that have been started and not finished!  (UnFinished Objects)  PIG's are Projects In Grocery sacs; WIP's are Works In Progress, but then again I could say all mine are that... right?   No, cause they really are not... some I have not worked on since 1998 - and I think there is one there that is every earlier than that!  In fact I'm positive it older than 25 years!  Thank heavens I used quality fabrics, (very rich for back then!!!) it just needs to be quilted!  I got it!!   PHD!  Yes, I remember that one

♫ ♪ Hello, is it me you're looking for? ♫ ♪ ♫

Bad, bad, bad blogger person!  That's me!  Admitting it is half the problem solved - right??  Sure hope so! How is it that life (a wonderful four letter word) always gets in the way of doing things you love (4 letter word!!) and it seems to pass (4 letters - okay this is getting ridiculous!) you right by?   I'm not sure how but the last 1 year, 8 months and 18 days have been like that.  (alright! did you see just how many 4 letter words were in that last sentence alone?   I give up!!  LOL) So without giving you the "Long Version" of my on-going saga, let's just say I will "try" one more time to be a little more regular with blog posting.  Posts may not be long but you will see "something" from me at least every couple of weeks, just to let you all know I didn't fall of the edge of the earth, even if that is where I am most of the time these days, but this is not about "me" but rather about what I create and enjoy doing.  Even