
Showing posts from March, 2011

Another Fund Raiser Quilt

With one quilt done there is now another in the balance just waiting to be finished.  I have started it and wouldn't you know it?  A flu/cold sets in.  Not now I say... I have work to do!  Alas I have to fight it off, but it's not an easy fight this time.  Guess I have to start going outside whether I like it or not.   You see, I really am a hermit....really!  I love to be outside, but I don't like to initiate the mobility that brings me out there!  And I do love being outside (without the bugs of course!) and when you get me out there (playing) it is hard to get me to come back in!  Weird huh?   Actually if there are any nurses/doctors reading I'm sure it must be come kind of phobia - it has to be right?  Friends keep telling me to just go out and sit on the deck.... poke your head out your window for a few minutes everyday.  Well last night we had dinner with our dear daughter and when her father-in-law heard I was sick (again) he says to me "you h

Middle of March?

How did we get to the middle of March already??  I know I must have missed some days, even weeks somewhere along the way!  Oh well.... guess I have to work with what time I have, right? I speak of time as it is now 3 1/2 months to the end of June and yes that is my deadline to have finished 50 UFO's.  And will I make it??  "Time" will tell.  I was at 18 in December and have since did more, but I haven't added them to my list.  Guessing I will have to do that soon before I forget what they wouldn't that be a bummer.  To miss one or two in the count and think I fall short of my goal if I did forget them!  Yikes!!  Something for this weekends "To-Do" list.   With my quilt guild having a UFO challenge, I have been lucky to complete at least 4 each month - Yeaaaa me!  But this month I may not get them all done.  I got a nasty flu/cold on the 11th and it is hanging on tight.  But I'm still going to try!!  Another project was to make a quilt to