6 months.... REALLY??
You are kidding .... right?? Nope.... 6 months to the day has passed since my last post. Unbelievable!! By now I guess you have figured out that I am not a "true blogger". But that is okay, right? At least to me it is... no place for stress here as this is not work!! So, just so you can get up to date with what I have been working on ...this will be a "picture blog". Most all this was done November, as I was pretty sick remember for 6 weeks, (last blog post) and had absolutely no ambition to even walk into my playroom. We will see how long before I post again. Enjoy!! Christmas gifts - Dammit Dolls for quilty friends 2014 embroidered towels for great-nieces/nephews for Christmas Knitting carrying case made for Daughter for Christmas Knitting carrying case for Daughter family friends Christmas Gifts mini-Ipad carrier for Grand Daughter Madison for Birthday Jan 2015 made two for the Grandsons for Christmas 201