
Showing posts from 2012

Sarah and me!

Once again it's taken me for ever to post to blogland!  Guess I really don't think this place is real, hence the months between posts!!! Here is what happened in May .... How fun is it to meet someone you only converse with by email or a quilt forum?   It's AMAZING!! I drove to Espanola before returning to Sudbury on the the Victoria Day weekend just to meet Sarah.  She will be moving soon and thought I best get there before she does! Sarah getting our coffee ready!! Sarah was the host with the mostest!  And such a charming person.  I think we hit it off right away...chatting about many things - quilting included of course!!  I was so happy that she took time out of her busy schedule in  getting her home ready for sale, and I was overjoyed that we would meet before she left. We shared our work and then we had a blast trying to take pictures of ourselves.  What a wonderful couple of hours it was for me, sharing with another "Sloanie".   Sarah & I

Two months ... Not again??

Why is it I have such a hard time trying to blog?   Time, I say!  There just isn't enough of it.   Once again it is two months since my last blog.   Mind you not much is happening in the sewing/quilting department these days. My sewing time is almost "nil"... no ... it is NIL!!  Work has overtaken my life and there are times when I wish I wasn't so darn dedicated to my work.  But alas that is me.  I work until things are the way I like them, THEN I slack of somewhat and soon I do believe that I will finally be in the drivers seat and  be able to slack off - not be running along side of the vehicle so to say.  If I'm really lucky I get to sew with my some or one of my friends at least once a month.  Then the machines get shut down until the next time.  Here's to June where I believe that my "Me-Time" will start to be mine again and I can sew a little at nite.  I cannot wait as Tillie Topaz and Selina-Elise are in withdrawal without me in the &quo

Happy National Quilt Day and St. Patrick's Day to Boot!!

The third Saturday in March is National Quilt Day... that's today!!!  And it just so happens to be St. Patrick's Day too... go figure!!  A double whammy!! LOL A friend from public school years posted on my Facebook that it should be a paid holiday for me!  Heh... I'm all for it! ☺ But we all know that won't happen so I will quilt without pay for today LOL I have organized the laundry room this morning - very, very small room.  And low and behold don't I find 3 UFO's lurking in there!  Darn things!  Now I am off on a hunt for the real "missing" UFO's.  I know I had them all together at one point and kept out a few that I would work on.  But they are all big ones now and I want something "quick" or "quicker" so I can feel I have accomplished something.   So I will set up my quilting area and start quilting on one... THEN I will go pull out the totes in the corner  as I "believe" that is where those pesky little fell

Hello!!! It's me!

OH yes and winter is still here!  It's been a very weird winter.... if you can call it a winter as to me it really only arrived a week ago when the snow actually really got here.  But others say it's been here too long.  No matter, in 12 more days it will officially be spring and then the rains will start and people will compl... I guess there is no stop to the complaining of what type of weather we get, now is there?   For me, every day I make it out of bed is something to be happy about so I just go with the flow where the weather is concerned. Primitive...but it works!! On the sewing end of my world, I am finally finishing a UFO that has been in my pile for a few years. I machine quilted it myself and had a ball doing it.  I am now binding it in order to have it finished by Wed to show at my Quilt Guild meeting. Can I do it?  Time will tell! This is how I set up to machine quilt this baby.  I saw something similar on someone's website about year ago (sorry I didn&

Okay... so I'm really not a "True" Blogger!!

I cannot believe just how fast time is going!  I mean really ... here we are in the middle of February!!  Can I please, pretty please have my January back?  I had some time off work in early January and thought I would get some sewing and relaxing done.  NOT!  If I hadn't of "made the time" to have a sewing day with friends, I'm not even sure I would have sewed at all - THAT is just wrong!   Work has totally taken over my life and my "me time" is almost non existent therefore making me not a happy camper sewer   person!  Between family (and I love 'em to death!) and work (it's a love/hate relationship LOL) there is almost nothing left to have "me time" with.  I do have to sleep in there too, you know! ☺   So, with that being said, I do believe I will have to start making the time to create my "me time" any chance I get.  Hermits (that's partly me) like to be alone; well I confess that I am part Hermit and I thoroughly enj