Sarah and me!

Once again it's taken me for ever to post to blogland!  Guess I really don't think this place is real, hence the months between posts!!! Here is what happened in May ....

How fun is it to meet someone you only converse with by email or a quilt forum?   It's AMAZING!!
I drove to Espanola before returning to Sudbury on the the Victoria Day weekend just to meet Sarah.  She will be moving soon and thought I best get there before she does!

Sarah getting our coffee ready!!
Sarah was the host with the mostest!  And such a charming person.  I think we hit it off right away...chatting about many things - quilting included of course!!  I was so happy that she took time out of her busy schedule in  getting her home ready for sale, and I was overjoyed that we would meet before she left.
We shared our work and then we had a blast trying to take pictures of ourselves.  What a wonderful couple of hours it was for me, sharing with another "Sloanie".

Sarah & I holding up our Happiness Key wall hangings.
We both had our "Happiness Key" wall hangings ready to show each other and decided we would sign them as a reminder of our happiness in making this wonderful mystery project by/with Pat Sloan last year.
Sarah signs my Happiness Key
 I brought a  little gift for Sarah and knew this may be the first and last time I would meet with her due to her moving to Saskatchewan in August, and I thought this journal was only fitting for her at this time.

It says "Seize an opportunity every single day". 
I wish you and your hubby well and safe travels, Princess Sarah, and know I'm never far away ♥



  1. I think I heard more from you last year when we were busy in the thick of the McCall's Contest...Love your Happiness Key quilt! That is great to sign each other's version.

  2. I hear you, Mary! I don't think my life has ever been this busy with work for this long! May have to rethink my decision to be working full-time! ☺

  3. Great pictures. Always fun to see Sloanies meeting up in person.


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