
Showing posts from November, 2010

29 days and counting!!

Goodness gracious the time is going to really fly now!  There are only 29 days to Christmas...are you pulling your hair out yet?   I am happy to say that my shopping is done !  Well all except the big "kids" stocking stuffers, but give me an hour and I will have them done!  Woo Hooo!  Although I am now busy knitting up 4 - 5 items and have 3 left to sew up. Two are ready to sew up and won't take but a couple of hours. The third?  Well, that one is still in the thinking stage, but it is almost all "thought" out.  One evening to sew it up and voila! and  Hello, Santa ! Just have to double check my list! I made up seven gifts this week, and sorry I cannot show you what they are until after Christmas.  Some are small, but made with tonnes of love and one was a biggie! Baking you say? Well I don't do much of that anymore as the kids are not around as much with all the visiting they end up having to do with their extended families and friends and we really

Let's Get This Show On The Road!

Hah! By the title of this post you might think that I was heading off to somewhere far, far away and warmer!   NOT!   It is more about the reason for the season that is coming upon us! By the time you read this, there will be LESS THAN 40 days to Christmas,  my most favorite time of the year, other than my birthday! J   It is the time of the year that I (me - Santa!) give presents (small as some of them may be) to those who are in my family, those who are like family to me and to my closest of friends.  It is the time of the year where I feel I don't "need" to give a gift to someone, but rather because I really want to. Just because I give a gift doesn't mean I want a gift in return or that the recipient feels they "have" to return the gesture - I have to remind those in my family of that each year, don't I? J   My saying is "It is the time of the year that I give freely and with out complaint, so just say thank you!" The sewing machines ar

Did I have to count them all??

Have you ever wondered how many of this or that you may have?   Well, remember the count I did with the scissors?  No way in my wildest dreams did I think I had that many pairs of scissors!  By the way, I did find the ones I was missing LOL    See the UFO's hiding???  Pat Sloan, a very wonderful pattern designer, is hosting  "12 UFO Buster Tips" and the first thing to do was to count how many UFO's you had.  I decided that I would "count" something once again, it can't be all that bad, right?  Thank goodness I can count that high!  I knew I had UFO's - UnFinished prOjects - I wasn't denying it - really I wasn't.  When my sewing room was remodeled a couple of years ago I had packed UFO's in totes and labeled them, so I knew where they were.  Well part of this process is being honest with yourself, right?  How I wish I had stopped counting after the first tote.  I found UFO's hiding EVERYWHERE, and yes they were hiding! Some in