Did I have to count them all??

Have you ever wondered how many of this or that you may have?   Well, remember the count I did with the scissors?  No way in my wildest dreams did I think I had that many pairs of scissors!  By the way, I did find the ones I was missing LOL  
See the UFO's hiding???

Pat Sloan, a very wonderful pattern designer, is hosting  "12 UFO Buster Tips" and the first thing to do was to count how many UFO's you had.  I decided that I would "count" something once again, it can't be all that bad, right?  Thank goodness I can count that high!  I knew I had UFO's - UnFinished prOjects - I wasn't denying it - really I wasn't.  When my sewing room was remodeled a couple of years ago I had packed UFO's in totes and labeled them, so I knew where they were.  Well part of this process is being honest with yourself, right?  How I wish I had stopped counting after the first tote.  I found UFO's hiding EVERYWHERE, and yes they were hiding! Some in plain site, others stuffed in between pieces of fabrics and yet others in little bags with all the makings of something inside.  Even though I was tempted to quit counting after 20, I kept at it. 
UFO's - Don't they look pretty?

And I kept counting...25... 30 ... 40!!!  Oh my gosh!  Where have all these pieces come from?  Yes, all of these pieces I do remember making at some point in my sewing frenzies.  45.... 50... Snappin' Blues!!  65... 75... 85 ... somebody wake me up please!!   Now some of these projects could maybe be lumped together as they are the same, like the little totes I make...but really they are individual pieces right?   So, those pieces deserve their own number ... 90 ... 93.  93!!  Crappola!  These all cannot be mine... can they?   You bet your sweet bootie they all are mine.  All except one!  My daughter made me a quilt when I turned 40 and my plan was to hand quilt it.  Okay, so that was .. ahh... years ago  I'm still deciding what to quilt on it, along with the other 12 or more quilt tops!  Then there are another 15 - 20 smaller pieces that just need to be quilted ...  then many projects that still need to be finished to get them to the quilting stage!  OH my... I need a drink ... Wait!... I don't drink, although this may have drove me to do just that! LOL
More quilts hiding!
One would think that with that many UFO's you wouldn't miss one, right?  Wrong!  One was missing in action, but I did find remember just where it ended up.  Last I remembered was working on it at a friends house, but from there it is was a total blank.  I hunted high and low for it.  Then I cleaned off some other projects on the corner of my desk and VOILA!  How'd it get there?? LOL 

I have alot of the less time consuming projects to finish, all gathered in one tote.  I have been working on those every chance I get!  Then I went looking for a "specific" piece of scrap fabric.  Checking the tote I thought, "what is in that one under it?"    AHHHHH !!  I shouldn't have opened it!  It just happened to contain another 8 or more UFO's!!!    Not to mention another 3 or 4 I had found prior to this hunting for the missing UFO!  This is a really bad dream, someone please, please shake me hard to wake up!  Once again never-ever in my wildest of wildest dreams did I even think I would come close to 50 UFO's.  Now here I am with over 100 of the little fabric-thread-bearing pieces of  my so called  "hobby" to finish!   It seems to me to be more of an addition, don't you?  Admitting it is the first step...right??  But did I really have to?

My first 10 UFO's to finish!
My plan of attack?  Work on the smaller pieces and finish them completely.   I will piece together any of the quilts that are not made into a complete "top".  But as for the quilt tops that are together - they will be packed in a tote for later.  All they need is a backing and then to be quilted, so for now I will say they are "done".  Besides, I will go totally broke buying the batting and backing!

As you can see, I won't be bored for a very, very long time!

Keep your needle sharp... you never know when I may call on you to help!!
You can visit Pat Sloan's Blog here : http://www.patsloan.typepad.com/


  1. Shirley...you may have a lot of UFOs but you sure have been working hard on them...AND you sure keep everyone inspired in the UFO Buster group!!!


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