Let's Get This Show On The Road!

Hah! By the title of this post you might think that I was heading off to somewhere far, far away and warmer!   NOT!   It is more about the reason for the season that is coming upon us!

By the time you read this, there will be LESS THAN 40 days to Christmas,  my most favorite time of the year, other than my birthday!J  It is the time of the year that I (me - Santa!) give presents (small as some of them may be) to those who are in my family, those who are like family to me and to my closest of friends.  It is the time of the year where I feel I don't "need" to give a gift to someone, but rather because I really want to. Just because I give a gift doesn't mean I want a gift in return or that the recipient feels they "have" to return the gesture - I have to remind those in my family of that each year, don't I?J  My saying is "It is the time of the year that I give freely and with out complaint, so just say thank you!"
The sewing machines are busy and keeping "The Down-under Sweat Shop" warm!  I have  been lining up the projects to keep them going smoothly under the needle every chance I get, but you won't get to see any more of those projects until after Christmas.  I promise I will show them to you.   I just love this hussle and bussle of this time of the year!  Really, I do!  I am in my glory at a sewing machine and hope I can be that way for many more years to come!  Besides, I have to be ... I have too many things left to finish and even more yet to start!  LOL

I am hoping that all the "shopping" that I do have "chosen" to do, will be done before the end of November - yes - I do mean this year!!  And I know it is not that long off.  I have never - ever tried to be this far ahead and this year I really want to sit back and totally enjoy this special time of the year.  Mind you that isn't counting all the sewing I have to do.  I could still be at that on Christmas Eve!  And this is okay... I love it!

Bah, Humbug you say?

Sorry people, but Christmas is exactly what "YOU" make it; remember that everyone.  Yes, it is has become very commercialized but "you" don't have to make it that way, do you? - that is each person's choice to make.  My choice is to make it as enjoyable as possible for those I keep near and dear to my heart.  Did you know that when this Christmas is over there are 364 (or 365 in a leap year) days until the next Christmas?  So, why do people put themselves through the stress of cramming it all in in two weeks or just the month of December?  Believe or not, Christmas falls on Dec 25th EVERY YEAR!  Amazing, huh?
It totally boggles my mind when people (not saying it's any of you but if the ...you know the rest of that saying J) rush around a couple weeks before Christmas, like little ants in a totally disturbed ant hole, saying they haven't done any shopping, baking, company is coming, yadda, yadda, yadda!   YO, People!!  It isn't all about the shopping, baking, prettying up the house ... there is so much more to Christmas and people are forgetting that.   Linus explained this best to Charlie Brown and one I truly believe.  (I still love to watch this show every year)

So on that note - be well this time of year and enjoy the reason for this season!


LUKE 2:8-14
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were so afraid.
And the angel said unto them,
Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising God, and saying,
Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men.


  1. Shirley...you are so bubbly and energetic!! What a great post and a great reminder to enjoy the moment...enjoy the hustle and bustle or whatever it is that each one of us creates during the holiday season!!


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