Happy National Quilt Day and St. Patrick's Day to Boot!!

The third Saturday in March is National Quilt Day... that's today!!!  And it just so happens to be St. Patrick's Day too... go figure!!  A double whammy!! LOL

A friend from public school years posted on my Facebook that it should be a paid holiday for me!  Heh... I'm all for it! But we all know that won't happen so I will quilt without pay for today LOL

I have organized the laundry room this morning - very, very small room.  And low and behold don't I find 3 UFO's lurking in there!  Darn things!  Now I am off on a hunt for the real "missing" UFO's.  I know I had them all together at one point and kept out a few that I would work on.  But they are all big ones now and I want something "quick" or "quicker" so I can feel I have accomplished something.  

So I will set up my quilting area and start quilting on one... THEN I will go pull out the totes in the corner  as I "believe" that is where those pesky little fellers are.  I have located a couple of my backings and finally have more backings on the way and should be here soon.  Once the backings get here I will match up four of them up with quilts and take at least two to a friend that I have asked to quilt them, as I know she will do a stupendous job on them.  See, one of those is the Breaking Free from the McCall's challenge I was in last year.  She was excited to know I wanted her to quilt that one.  And a couple others will go to yet another long arm quilter who will do a wonderful job with the pantograms on them as I do want them "done-done" and like now.  They have been in my UFO-stash waiting to be quilted by me for far too long.  There are yet a few more that I will practice my machine quilting on - something I have been having fun with!   Yes, there are many quilt tops in my UFO stash and I know I want to make some really scrappy quilts soon, so I best get some of the ones I have now done! 

Speaking of McCall's ....  Blue Suede is FINALLY on his way home!! I got the email yesterday to say he has been "express post" along with my last two challenge win prizes as well!!  This is just soooooo exciting!   
Blue Suede is coming Home!!!

Okay.... enough already - National Quilt Day is passing me by and I haven't even turned on the sewing machine yet!!  

Remember to go sew/quilt something today!!
hugs all,


  1. Don't you just hate it when you find some UFOs that you forgot about? I do. I wasa doing well getting some of my tops quilted, but I hit a bit of a slump. I plan to get back on my schedule so I can bust some UFOs. I have LOTS of quiltsI want to make. (and lots of fabric to make them).


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