
Showing posts from July, 2014

And My "Me-time" Returns!

 It's been H-E-double hockey sticks since Jan 22/14 (yes - I remember the date clearly and I wasn't even at work!! Go figure!!!)  and my "me-time" became pretty well  non-existent.  BUT I'm baaaaack!!!  and I'm making "ME" the priority, okay ... I'm working very hard at it.  LOL Way to close for my liking to a full blown burn-out in May - June, that I am now practising hard at putting me first, something I have a very hard time doing.   Yes, my dear friends  (you know who you are) it's taken me three years to do just that - but I trying my hardest at making it MY reality!!  ;-) Enough said! When I was at camp in May, I was lucky enough to sandwich five pieces together so that I could start my free-motion quilting "studies"  ;-)    The first three items are part of the five that I have been practising on  - things that have been in my "course study"  for  my PHD  ☺  There is one more that I will show you next ti