Two months ... Not again??
Why is it I have such a hard time trying to blog? Time, I say! There just isn't enough of it. Once again it is two months since my last blog. Mind you not much is happening in the sewing/quilting department these days. My sewing time is almost "nil"... no ... it is NIL!! Work has overtaken my life and there are times when I wish I wasn't so darn dedicated to my work. But alas that is me. I work until things are the way I like them, THEN I slack of somewhat and soon I do believe that I will finally be in the drivers seat and be able to slack off - not be running along side of the vehicle so to say. If I'm really lucky I get to sew with my some or one of my friends at least once a month. Then the machines get shut down until the next time. Here's to June where I believe that my "Me-Time" will start to be mine again and I can sew a little at nite. I cannot wait as Tillie Topaz and Selina-Elise ar...