
Showing posts from May, 2014

It's Time for Camp!! Already?

Holy Hannah!! There went April - zooooom!  Just like that ... POOF!   Work really got in the way of the fun life since January 22nd, but that will soon change, as I cannot go this pace for any longer, and I'm beginning to realize "why should I?"   Yes, I know, I know!!  You all told me so!  But I learn at my own speed, which sometimes is slow - very slow.☺ It is now time for Camp Wanna Sew!!  With working, working and working some more, it's all of a sudden time to start packing for camp this coming Wednesday!!  WHAT??  Already?   Can't be January just started ... but it is now the middle of May!!   Yikes! So I've quickly put things in a tote that I may do - or may not.  A couple new things to "maybe" start, and quite a few others to finish or not.  Finishing projects totally depends on the mind set of any given day while I'm there - heck I could be sleeping ...