First time that really okay?

Wow! So this is "blogger land"? Never thought I would do something like this, but low and behold here I am. What a great way for family and friends to "watch" what I am doing in the "Down Under Sweat Shop" ... my sewing room. At least for now that is what I will use this blog for.

Sewing/quilting is my hobby. Hmmm, not strong enough.

My passion. No, that's not right either.

BINGO! That's it!! It's my addiction!

An addiction I don't want to be cured of! Being at the sewing machine or just in my sewing room is like being in a whole other world where there is no hate, illness, diseases, fighting or wars to worry/think about. In there I solve all the worlds problems with a stitch here and a pattern cut out there; in my little world (my sewing room) life is perfect! If you don't have something you are that passionate about ... then you have no idea what I am talking about. But with this blog maybe I can show you how strong my addiction (passion) is.

Between working part-time and having playtime with the Grands, I'm not sure how often I will "blog" but I'm shooting for at least once a week. You have no idea what I can turn out in a good week of sewing/quilting. Oh, wait...there are a few out there that do know that LOL

Until next time ... Keep your needles sharp and your thread strong!



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