Yes, it's been a little while.

I have been out of commmission, so to speak, for the last two plus weeks due to a bout of "vertigo".  Yah, I get those dang things and it tends to slow down my production or creativity.  But I think I am "back up and at 'em".... finally!   Now to make up for lost sewing time LOL

Before I went outta commission, I started another quilt out of scraps and stash fabrics.  A very fun and quick quilt (well it would have been if I hadn't got ...well we'll just leave that out of this story LOL) that has taken the stash down ever so slightly. 

This is where I started...cutting strips from my scraps that were long enough and I really didn't worry about color.  Really... I didn't.  Now this is just 32 strips of "dark" colors.  Then I had to get 32 lights!   Okay, I know that wasn't going to happen and I wasn't about to get light browns, blues, etc.  What I was looking for was cream colored fabrics.  Well I didn't have enough of those either so I went with what I had and made it work.  After all this is a "scrap" quilt!!

I'm still putting this one together so there is no picture other than this block, which I think shows how the quilt will be looking when it's done.  And it couldn't be easier!  I'm hoping to have the the blocks all together sometime on Friday if all goes well.  Then I will decide if I will put some borders on it.  Guess that all depends on how much of my stash I want to bust on this one LOL

Now when I cut all these strips out, I was in the process of cutting strips for yet another scrap quilt.  Well actually this one is going to be a tablecloth for me!!  But I need at least 72 different strips before I can start.  I'm now up to 70 strips so the planning of layout will be starting soon. Don't yah just love all the colors???  This may be a scrappy quilt, but I didn't want any "bright" fabrics in here and I think I have done just that.  I would have liked more cream colors, but I wasn't about to go out and buy some!  That would be defeating the purpose of this year at trying to bust my stash!  Of course this picture coloring is off but you get the idea of what I'm working with.

Till next time, keep your needles sharp and your mind sharper!



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