Ho! Ho! Ho! - It's Christmas time in the city!

Yes, you can hear that on a regular basis now.  And for me this year it sounds like music to my ears!   I am almost done making all the gifts, so of course it would be music to my ears.  If all goes according to schedule (remember IF!) I will be sitting down and enjoying the last week (or earlier) of Christmas watching the Christmas specials and maybe even getting some visiting in!  That is providing the ones I plan to visit are actually in the same boat as me and are home! LOL   

Presents are almost all wrapped; tree is up; house is almost all decorated (just a few things to put out yet)  knitting is almost all done (probably early next week) and the sewing is coming to a close too!   One 2 more gifts to turn out and both are pretty easy so maybe one full day sewing at the most and I'm all done.  

Never have I been so ready for Christmas and the feeling is just so darn good that I plan to even "perfect" the feeling next year.  WHAT?  I know, I know - let's get this year over first, you say.  If you are saying that, I'm taking it that is because you haven't shared this feeling of happiness at being able to really enjoy this time of year by having all your shopping/baking done!   Heh, I never did either until this year and let me tell you it feels so very good.  So I must perfect this feeling so that it will last longer next year.  Remember ... it sneaks up on you so fast after Sept, so if you want to be in on some early reminders with me for next year... just let me know!  
So dang happy I could almost dance with joy!

Merry Christmas everyone!



  1. Shirley...you are totally amazing!! I know you have to get going early and feel an urgency to get it done....that is how it happens!! AND YOU certainly did that!! Sooo...I hope you have a great holiday season!! hugs to you, Caryl

  2. Just hopped over from In Stitches. It is so nice to be on top of Christmas. I have everything done and ready to go too.

  3. Hi. I am visiting from Jolly Bingo. I just love that feeling and do try to get it earlier each year. Sometimes it just doesn;t work that way. When you perfect it you should write a book so we can all enjoy it. lol

  4. Hi! I am visiting from Holly Jolly Blog Bingo, Blog Roll.
    Must be a great feeling. I am close, but I always tend to come with 'just one more thing'. LOL
    Happy Holidays.
    gramisews at gmail dot com


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