Well... this is it! 2010 is going out.

I don't know about you, but I sure would love to know where the last 365 days went?  I mean really, I remember LAST Christmas so well, and here it is another Christmas gone?  Oh to be a kid again! To have the time we thought we then and use it now...wouldn't that be a treat?
As promised, here are few pictures of the gifts and good deeds given out and mostly done in November & December this year!

Bag I delivered Gifts in

Bag for a very dear friend
Inside the bag

For grandson
For another good friend

My good deed for 2010
another good deed
For my sister

Made bags to bust my Christmas stash!

For my niece

UFO for a good Friend
Gift bags for quilting friends gifts

PJ's for Cohan

Bags for quilting friends

Landon's sleep pants

For my other two sisters
Snowflakes for family & friends.  Did stars too!

Socks for nieces & nephews.  Total of 7 pair knit in Dec.
For Brooke's Babies

So you see, my life is never dull or without things to do.

Every year I count "something".  This year, I do think I will count the number of projects I make and finish!  Yes, I will still be continuing the ever dreaded UFO busting and hope to cut that down to a round number of 50 by the end of June 2011.  (shaking my head up and down)  That means about 30 more to finish before then ... can I do it?  I will keep you all posted on that.

There are still some smaller projects to finish in the UFO pile, but once those are done the others get bigger and longer to finish.  Many (and I mean MANY) need to be quilted and trying to decide just how I will do them before I actually get to them on the list.   Which reminds me - I will be going over my list and putting them onto some kind of order for finishing.  HAH!

Of course with all that quilting to be done comes metres (yards) of batting and fabric needed for backing.  Guess I gotta get me another job!!  What am I going to do with all these finishes?  Good question.  I'll answer that once I get them done!

So to all of you out there, I wish you great joy, happiness, good health and may hours of sewing and quilting for 2011!

Happy New Year!!

May your thread never shred, you needle be sharp and you find good bargains for fabric!


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